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  • Award to the best poster in the Basic and Translational Area: Obese adipocytes release pathological exosomes capable of inducing metabolic alterations in healthy adipocytes and altering the proliferation of breast cells. XV National Congress of the Spanish Society for the Study of Obesity (SEEDO) 2019 (Vigo).
  • Second SEEDO award for basic research on obesity. First Medical-Surgical Congress on Obesity 2013 (Madrid).
  • Award to the best poster of the 1st BioIntegraSaúde Meeting 2013 (Santiago de Compostela).
  • Award to the best poster on basic research in endocrinology. 55th Congress of the Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition 2013 (Granada).
  • Award to the best basic poster of the 24th Congress of the Galician Society of Endocrinology, Nutrition and Metabolism 2011 (A Toxa).
  • Award to the best basic oral communication of the 24th congress of the Galician Society of Endocrinology, Nutrition and Metabolism 2011 (A Toxa).
  • Merck-Serono Research Award 2007. Endocrinology Area (Fundación Salud 2000) (Madrid).


Laboratorio 3, Edificio C, Planta -2

Hospital Clínico Universitario de Santiago
Travesía da Choupana s/n 15706
Santiago de Compostela


Despacho: +34 981 955071

Laboratorio: +34 981 956194

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2013. Diseñado por AR-R

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